The Office of Enterprise Risk and Assurance (ERA) strives to be a best-in-class service provider to advance the university’s ability to deliver strategies through risk-informed decision-making. ERA’s mandate is to provide advisory services and independent and objective assurance of UBC’s operations by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the university’s risk management, control, and governance processes for its dynamic, complex and wide spectrum of activities. Our primary service areas include:
Enterprise Risk Management
Delivering progressive ERM framework and capabilities to enable management to identify, assess, and manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of strategic and operational objectives
Partnering with management to offer insights and foresights on strategic initiatives and operational activities
Providing independent and objective assurance in areas of governance, risk management and control (refer to the Internal Assurance Charter which was approved by the Board of Governors in March 2024)
Financial Fraud Risk Management / Investigations
Per University Policy SC15, investigating allegations of improper financial activity and promoting ethical financial conduct